The Teign estuary is used extensively by a wide range of leisure and commercial vessels varying in size from small dinghies and powerboats to commercial fishing boats and merchant ships. It requires courtesy and understanding from all users. The safety of all water users navigating in the area is of utmost importance particularly given the increasing number of accidents involving watercraft. Therefore, all users are kindly requested to register their craft with THC using the Watercraft Registration Form to ensure that the Teign remains safe for all users.
Be aware of the following restrictions that apply in the estuary:-
- Jet Ski’s specifically are prohibited in the estuary but may proceed from the public slipways of Gales Hill and Polly Steps directly to the sea between sunrise and sunset, subject to first obtaining a permit from the Harbour Office (cost £20 per annum) or by clicking the Link above.
- Water-skiing is prohibited in the estuary except in the designated area near Coombe Cellars which is subject to membership of the South Devon Watersports Club.