Environment and Marine Conservation

Ports and harbours are becoming increasingly aware of their impact on the environment and the need to reduce this wherever possible.

This is something supported by the Government. With the aim of all sectors being Carbon Neutral and Net Zero by 2050, The Harbour Commission needs to develop its own strategy of how to achieve this, learning from best practice and technological developments, and incorporate it across the business and operations.


Oil Spill Response

The Teignmouth Harbour Commissioners, in line with environmental protection duties and the Port Marine Safety Code, has an oil spill contingency plan outlining our response to an oil pollution incident within harbour limits.

The Commissioners’ Oil Spill Contingency Plan is regularly reviewed and used in exercises to ensure it is relevant and fit for purpose. We work regularly with ABP as a Harbour Authority and external agencies to conduct practical exercises to test the Port’s contingency plans.

Our staff are trained to MCA standards in Oil Spill response, to ensure we can react promptly and effectively to a spill of any size.

Find relevant articles while we develop our strategy:

Tide Times

Teignmouth (Approaches) Tide Times

Tide Times & Heights for Fri, 28th March 2025
High Tide:
05:27 (4.48m)
Low Tide:
11:28 (0.58m)
High Tide:
18:01 (4.39m)
Low Tide:
23:49 (0.57m)
