Trust Port
Teignmouth Harbour Commission is a Trust Port created by an Act of Parliament as the Statutory and Competent Harbour Authority for the River Teign.
Under the Teignmouth Harbour Order 1924 as amended by the Teignmouth Harbour Revision Order 2003 the role of the Harbour Commission is primarily as the Navigational Authority regulating marine operations within the Harbour from the river mouth to Newton Abbot. We are required to make sure that the harbour remains open for public use and that it can be navigated without danger. We have an environmental duty to conserve and facilitate the safe use of the harbour and its resources. In addition to following the non statutory Port Marine Safety Code (P.M.S.C).

Crown Estates Lease
Teignmouth Harbour Commission leases the fundus (sea/riverbed) of the Teign Estuary below the Mean High Water Line from the entrance to the Stover Canal to the Seaward Harbour Limit Boundary formed by a line joining the eastern extremity of The Ness with the Den Lighthouse. As such THC allocates and licenses all the moorings within this area on a annual basis with the exception of a few moorings that are part of private legal agreements.
A Brief History
Teignmouth has always been a port of some consequence for even in 1347 seven ships and 120 men were sent against the French at Calais. For centuries the port had a considerable inshore fishery and carried on an active trade with Newfoundland throughout the 18th century. Other trades to flourish in the 18th – 19th centuries were local Granite, Pipe Clay, Manganese and Timber and in 1821 the New Quay was built for the purpose of shipping Dartmoor Granite to London for the construction of London Bridge.
The Teignmouth Quay Company was established by Statute in 1887 for development of the Port of Teignmouth and from that date there has been a steady growth of trade as a non-scheme Port. To find out more take a look in our document library.